Structural Metal and Platework Fabricator Alternative titles: Structural Metal Fitter-Assembler

$42.00/h Average Salary
Job Prospects

What are the main duties?

  • Measure, trace, cut and pierce steel sheets, plates, and structurals.
  • Build metal structures: beams, posts, stairs, ramps, etc.
  • Shape parts.
  • Fabricate architectural components: balconies, handrails, caged ladders, etc.
  • Weld and assemble metal parts.
  • Finish parts.

Is it right for you?

  • The industrial sector appeals to you.
  • You have excellent manual dexterity.
  • You are meticulous, precise and responsible.

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Fabrication de structures métalliques et de métaux ouvrés Program available in French only

Where is this program being offered?
regions quebec Capitale-NationaleMontréalChaudière - Appalaches and Montérégie
Job Placement Rate
80% Job Placement Rate
15% % who pursue further education
Duration of training 1350h
13 to 20 months
Are you eligible? Check your eligibility
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