Sprinkler System Installer Alternative titles: Fire Protection Mechanic

$41.46/h Average Salary
Job Prospects

What are the main duties?

  • Install different systems such as wet pipe systems, dry pipe systems, pre-action systems, etc.
  • Set up pump systems.
  • Install valves.
  • Connect annunciator panels and alarm panels.
  • Inspect and service fire protection systems.
  • Repair fire protection systems.

Is it right for you?

  • You are in good shape and are not afraid of heights.
  • You have a sense of responsibility.
  • You are concerned about the safety of others.
  • You are meticulous, resourceful and strict.

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Mécanique de protection contre les incendies Program available in French only

Where is this program being offered?
regions quebec Laval
Job Placement Rate
80% Job Placement Rate
10% % who pursue further education
Duration of training 900h
8 months
Are you eligible? Check your eligibility
Want more info? Program details