Research support officer Alternative titles: Statistical Officer, Statistical Technician, Social Science Research Assistant

$29.39/h Average Salary
Job Prospects N/A

What are the main duties?

  • Participate in all stages of research in administrative and social sciences as well as public health.
  • Assist researchers.
  • Collect information for databases.
  • Conduct individual interviews and focus group interviews.
  • Compile data and present it as tables and charts.
  • Help with the development of research tools.

Is it right for you?

  • You have good observation skills.
  • You are methodical and analytical.
  • You enjoy teamwork.
  • You are organized and can prioritize.

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Techniques de recherche sociale Program available in French only

Where is this program being offered?
regions quebec Montréal
Job Placement Rate
80% Job Placement Rate
20% % who pursue further education
Duration of training 2235h
33 months
Are you eligible? Check your eligibility
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