Multimedia Integrator Alternative titles: Website Developer, Webmaster, Web Administrator

$33.23/h Average Salary
Job Prospects

What are the main duties?

  • Create web pages.
  • Process images and sound.
  • Design screen page layouts.
  • Integrate and test out interactive content (texts, images, sound, videos, animations, etc.).
  • Core programming.
  • Coordinate the production of various multimedia projects.

Is it right for you?

  • You enjoy teamwork and you want to work on projects.
  • You are a logical thinker.
  • You are curious, creative and meticulous.
  • You are versatile.

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Techniques d'intégration multimédia Program available in French only

Job Placement Rate
60% Job Placement Rate
35% % who pursue further education
Duration of training 2640h
33 months
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