Circus Artist Alternative titles: Equilibrist, Floor Acrobat, Trapeze Artist, Juggler, Contortionist, Fire Eater, Clown

$23.77/h Average Salary
Job Prospects N/A

What are the main duties?

  • Prepare circus acts.
  • Participate in production of shows.
  • Perform act in front of audience according to circus disciplines (acrobatics, equestrian riding, clowning, etc.).
  • Incorporate singing, dance or theatre segments during performance.
  • Participate in production activities and other tasks during tours.

Is it right for you?

  • You are in excellent physical shape.
  • You are passionate, strict and autonomous.
  • You enjoy teamwork.

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Arts du cirque Program available in French only

Where is this program being offered?
regions quebec Capitale-Nationale and Montréal
Job Placement Rate
95% Job Placement Rate
Duration of training 2720h
33 months
Are you eligible? Check your eligibility
Want more info? Program details